Glass Fabrication Companies
Serving Rhode Island

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Naugatuck, CT  |  800-533-3513

FLABEG Technical Glass U.S. Corporation, situated in Naugatuck, Connecticut, boasts an impressive legacy in the glass industry, dating back to 1927. Throughout the years, the company has earned a reputation as a dependable provider of glass fabrication and cutting services, specializing in the production of precision glass components and mirror components. FLABEG's unwavering commitment to...

FLABEG Technical Glass U.S. Corporation $$$
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Glass Cutting Power Pages

Glass Cutting

Glass Cutting

Glass cutting is a method of weakening the structure of glass along a score line that can be broken by applying controlled force; this separates the glass into two sections along the score line or fissure. Regardless of the application, the cutting of glass is...

Quartz Glass

Quartz Glass

Quartz is one of the most abundant and widely distributed minerals in nature. Quartz is the only stable polymorph of crystalline silica on the Earth‘s surface. It is found in all forms of rocks: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. It becomes concentrated in...

Friction Materials

Friction Materials

Friction materials are substances that produce friction between solid surfaces in order to control or stop forward or backward motion. The materials used to produce friction materials include organic and non-organic substances such as resin, ceramics, fibers, and metals...

Ceramic Machining

Ceramic Machining

Ceramic machining refers to the manufacture of ceramic materials into finished usable products. Machining involves the continual removal of material from the workpiece, in this case, ceramic material...

Graphite Machining

Graphite Machining

Graphite machining is a method for shaping, forming, configuring, and cutting graphite material to produce a wide selection of parts and components for industrial applications. The success of graphite machining is dependent on the types of tools used...

Metal Etching

Metal Etching

Metal etching is a metal removal process that uses various methods to configure complex, intricate, and highly accurate components and shapes. Its flexibility allows for instantaneous changes during processing...

Industrial Materials
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